So I visited one of my really good friends today and she had mentioned that she was working on her blog which reminded me I haven't written in awhile so here I am. I decided to write about one of the things I can't live without...especially now. And that is music, especially the music of Death Cab For Cutie. I would have to say they are my all time favorite band. Although I'll admit that I didn't hear of them until my senior year of high school (?) but it was love at first sound? Well not real love of course, but that attachment you get to a band after hearing one song...you're hooked. Well that's how it is with me and Death Cab. I'm not sure what it is about their music, but I definitely have no problem keeping them on repeat. My best friend and I saw them in concert last summer (it was my first time) and I was blown away. They were amazing!!! definitely the best concert I've ever been to. I'm sure my friends are probably sick of me talking about them. oh well!!
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