'Ello! ...it always feels weird saying "hello" to a non-someone...anyways where should I start? how about the most heart-wrenching? ok!
For the past week my very bestest bestie in the whole wide world

right now I'm watching ghostbusters 2..loves it! not as much as ghostbusters 1, but it'll do. can I just say that the whole concept of grad school is dumb and overrated?! it is! and I really really don't want to go...I hate to say it but the main reason I'm going is so I could live in another city...and to eventually make good $$. the only problem I'm running into is my rediculously horrible of a gpa...i decided to stay an extra year to keep working on it..it sucks. being an average student in high school was ok...but that definitely doesn't cut it once you get to college. UGH! and this whole OPERATION FIND SYDNEY A COMPANION is NOT working out whatsoever...although I guess it doesn't help that no is here in columbia for the summer and I really don't put myself out there for the guys I really want to date..blurg. It's just that whenever I've been in any kind of relationship with a guy he's always approached me...I've never had to really do the chasing. I guess I should be grateful for that, but it doesn't help my situation...ugh again.
I have no idea what i want to do with my life...I know I want to be a curator...I want to end up in either d.c. chicago or nyc....idk
tomorrow I have to go see a cardiologist because apparently i have a rapid heartbeat. I'm hoping i don't have heart disease...then i'll have to hear all the crap about excercising and eating right again....not really up for hearing that again.
1 1/2 months until my 21st birthday? I'm suuuuper excited to get piss ass wasted drunk legally! can't wait! not sure if i want a party or just go bar hopping...not really big on the bar scene here, but I guess I have some time to think it about. i know it sounds really sad, but I really want a bf by the time my bday rolls around...or at least a guy who I'm dating exclusively....not really sure WHY but it would be nice to have one.....is it weird to fb friend someone who i've never spoken to, but who's seen me on an almost daily basis? i'll admit that I request ppl who've i've never said two words to sometimes, but this guy i definitely have a crush on this guy...he's the epitome of my type.
i have to admit the plain white t's always come up with some catchy songs/videos.this one made me tear up..it's great:
(i forgot they sang that "hate is a strong a word" song ...loves it!)
this song has some pretty good memories associated with it...it's still hard to listen to without thinking about those memories...but it's all good...still an awesome to listen to..especially when it's played on the guitar
I guess that's all for now...adios!
Hey there delilah is awesome.
i think that's awesome you want to be a curator! i just switched my major to art history...i honestly don't want to do anything with the degree, but i think the subject matter is fascinating!
and i definitely agree - ghostbusters 2 is good, but not as great as the 1st!!
you're so sweet!
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